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How to make a great quote form for a moving company?

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Published: August 07, 2023

Why does every moving company need short and sweet lead capture forms?

In today’s digital age, where online presence is paramount for moving businesses, having a well-designed website is crucial. One essential component of a successful website is an easy-to-use lead capture form. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why a user-friendly lead capture form is vital for your website’s success.

Where should my lead capture form be on my website?

While there isn’t a strict rule dictating the placement of your lead-capture form, it is always advisable to position it above the fold. By doing so, you ensure that the form is prominently displayed and immediately visible to visitors without requiring them to scroll. This enables visitors to grasp the purpose of your landing page quickly.

In most cases, it is recommended that brands place their lead-capture forms at the top right-hand side of the page to maximize visibility. This ensures that the form is immediately noticeable to visitors. On the left side of the form, you can position your logo, title, subheading, and other relevant copy.

For a mobile view, CTA for phone calls should always be there. At the end of the day, phones are made for making phone calls. The lead capture form should be the first thing that pops up on a customer’s mobile screen. After scrolling, it should be followed by CTA for filling up the quote.

Capturing quality leads

A lead capture form is the starting point of your customer acquisition process. By offering a straightforward and easy-to-use form, you encourage more visitors to provide their contact information, increasing the number of leads generated. People appreciate simplicity and convenience; if your form is complicated or time-consuming, potential customers may abandon it before completing it. An uncomplicated form improves user experience and increases the chances of capturing quality leads.

Importance of “first step”

When designing an effective moving lead capture form, the first question should be straightforward and capture essential information. Although many moving quotes start with zip codes of pick-up and delivery locations, we highly suggest starting with something that doesn’t require typing.

Make an easy first step and then ask for additional information like zip codes, names, and emails later in the process. We suggest asking, “How can [Your Moving Company] help you?” where you will have clickable types of services. This small switch can increase your conversion rate by 3-5%.

It is great to know if your moving company offers services like labor only, where there is no need for two zip codes. Two zip code fields can confuse your visitors and make them abandon the quote.

Lead capture forms and importance of “first step”

Make it short

Potential customers who visit a moving company’s website are likely looking for quick and efficient solutions. A short lead form enables them to provide essential information swiftly, saving them time and effort. By reducing the number of fields to the most crucial details, such as the origin and destination addresses, additional comments, stairs, or elevator information, you can facilitate a seamless interaction that keeps visitors engaged and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Lead capture forms, make it short.

Make it clickable

A clickable button allows users on devices to tap on the button, making it easier for them to submit their information. Avoid the drop-down menu; there is more work for visitors, which means there is a higher chance of not finishing the form.

Lead capture forms, make it clickable.

Include autofill

We understand that we can not make all fields clickable; some require typing. What can make it faster and easier? The answer is autofill. This way, your lead capture is faster, and you can collect more complete, high-quality leads.

Make it logical

It is important to make your lead-capture form logical for users; by that, we mean don’t ask questions that are not common for that type of service. For example, don’t ask for origin and destination zip codes if the customer is filling up the quote for loading or unloading the truck/POD; you just need to know the zip code of the location where the job needs to be finished. Don’t ask for stairs or elevators if they selected a 4-bedroom house as the size of the move, etc.

Use a right keyboard

It is important in mobile forms to set the right keyboard for the selected field (numeric, emails, name). The ultimate goal is to save visitors’ time, and they will reward you with a complete lead.

Lead capture forms, use a right keyboard.

Sensitive information needs a privacy policy

Including a privacy policy is necessary for the sensitive information field on a lead-capture form to ensure transparency and protect the privacy of individuals submitting their sensitive information.

Having a privacy policy in place communicates to users how their information will be collected, stored, and used. This establishes trust and assures individuals that their sensitive data will be handled responsibly and in accordance with legal and ethical standards. It also helps organizations comply with privacy laws and regulations that require the disclosure of information handling practices. Adding a privacy policy can make 12% of users keep filling up your form.

Lead capture forms, sensitive information needs a privacy policy

Leave the phone number for the last step


We all agree that a lead with a phone number is complete and the best one. However, there is a high chance that visitors will abandon the quote when the phone number is asked. Explain why you need their phone number; that chance will decrease. Let us tell you one secret, make the phone number to be your last step on the lead-capture form. If they abandon the form, you can still use that data to reach the customer via email. Some customers are at work at that time, and they prefer email communication.

What is the impact of form buttons on conversion rates?

Don’t use vague, generic words like ‘submit,’ ‘enter,’ and ‘complete.’ Use strong, action-oriented words like ‘get a free quote,’ ‘view a quote,’ etc. According to research, 3% more people will abandon your form if it uses the word ‘submit.’  By using words encouraging action, you can motivate users to complete the form and gain a high-quality lead.

Lead capture forms, what is the impact of form buttons on conversion rates?

Every click brings valuable data

The ultimate goal of your website is to convert visitors into customers. An intuitive lead capture form significantly impacts your conversion rates. A complex or confusing form can deter potential customers from taking the desired action, resulting in missed opportunities. Streamlining the form and making it user-friendly reduces friction in the conversion process and increases the likelihood of visitors completing the form. The easier it is for users to submit their information, the higher your conversion rates will be.

You should always improve your conversion rate with A/B testing. Use GA4 reports and Microsoft Clarity to get some insights and to notice what your visitors don’t like about your form and always improve it. When you do A/B testing, choose pages where your form has a similar conversion rate and look for changes.

Great lead-capture forms should know the source of the lead

By tracking the source of your leads, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. You’ll be able to identify which marketing channels generate the most leads and conversions and allocate your resources accordingly.

Identify high-quality leads because not all leads are created equal. By tracking the source, you can identify the channels that consistently generate high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into paying customers. This knowledge helps you focus on acquiring leads from those sources and improve your overall lead quality.

Knowing the lead sources provides an ongoing feedback loop for your marketing efforts. It allows you to test different strategies, evaluate their performance, and adjust based on real data. This iterative process helps you refine your marketing campaigns, optimize your lead generation tactics, and continuously improve your results.

Enhancing user experience

User experience (UX) is a critical aspect of web design and it will help you generate more reviews and conversions. When visitors encounter a complicated or poorly designed lead capture form, it can negatively impact their perception of your brand and website. On the other hand, a user-friendly form provides a positive user experience, leaving a lasting impression and increasing the chances of visitors returning to your site. By prioritizing simplicity, giving clear instructions, and requiring minimal fields, you create a seamless and enjoyable experience for your users.

In conclusion

In today’s competitive digital landscape, a website with a user-friendly lead capture form can significantly impact your business’s success. An easy-to-use form becomes an invaluable asset by capturing quality leads, building customer relationships, increasing conversion rates, enhancing user experience, and streamlining data collection.

Remember, simplicity and convenience are key. So, ensure your lead capture form is visually appealing, straightforward, and aligned with your website design. By investing in an intuitive form, you lay the groundwork for generating leads and growing your business, and don’t forget to reach your leads with email and call soon as you receive the lead.

Ready to supercharge your lead generation and capture more valuable leads? Reach out to Memo today and get access to our lead-capture form that will revolutionize your business’ growth!

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